Saturday, January 22

What does that mean???

This is for anyone who gets confused reading recipes. I'm sure you will still get confused reading recipes, but this could help.. This will will be an ongoing post.

Aioli = mayonnaise with garlic. Old school no egg.

Bake = turn your oven on between 200F and 400F. Put something in it. Now you are baking.

Broil = only the top burner of the oven is on, things burn very quickly here. Good for tuna melt and such.

Boil = drop it into a pot of boiling water. ya. Very few things get boiled. The violent water activity makes food look like you chewed it for people.

Braising = cooking food, usually meat which has been seared, in just enough liquid to barely cover in the oven. The slower the better. One of the best ways to cook. Thorough searing is the key.

Caramelize = cook food until it turns golden brown. Only occurs during the absence of water. A boiled potato will never turn golden crispy...

Dice = cut it into squares, small medium and large sizes

Simmer = the sexy option to boiling. Temperature is just  few degrees below boiling but the water doesn't destroy your food.

Saute = fry pan, stove top. Medium high heat. Food should 'jump' when it hits the pan.

Sweat = cook food without any browning

Sear = fry pan, high heat. Usually used to develop flavour by crisping food and then followed by another cooking technique.


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